Friday, June 29, 2012

Sak Pase’ (What’s up?)

Wow! What a day. God is absolutely amazing…but many of you reading this already know that. First off, we were all able to get a really good night’s rest leading up to today. We were all moving around by about 7AM. We were able to eat a little and get ready for our day.

I want to share this with you as we begin this blog. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. And the village we are in is an incredibly poor village. Those who fish are looked down upon in this society. It is a trade/skill that is not respected. That being said, we are working with “the least of these.”

At 8AM, we prayed over our day, loaded the bus, and headed to the fishing village. We spent the first part of our time there praying. We prayed over the Fish House (a house where Stephen and Autumn lead Bible studies and base much of their ministry out of). We prayed that it would be a lighthouse…a place of hope. We prayed for our translators Wesner, Franz, Colas, Naygo, Jonas, Baz, Simeon, Paul, and Kevins. We ask that as you pray for us, you pray for them. Pray that the message that we have been given to share would translate to the children, teens and adults in a mighty way.

We walked to the school and prayed over it and the Headmaster, Carrenard. We broke up into VBS teams and spent time praying over the space that each would use this next week. We then sent the students, adults and translators out to talk with people in the village, share the Gospel, and pray over their needs, both physical and spiritual.

Once we walked through the village, we had some lunch and played with kids in the village. There were a ton of kids! It was exciting to see such joy. I was reminded of the passage in Luke 18 when Jesus scolded the disciples and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” The children were coming from everywhere and were soaking in the love and attention of our team. It was awesome to watch!

After about 6 hours of praying, sharing, and playing we walked back to the Fish House. We were able to spend time with many of the ladies that Stephen and Autumn pour into. These women are relatively new believers. They have incredible struggles and are learning what it means to follow Jesus. I met most of these women when Christa and I came to Haiti in November of 2011. There is a change taking place in them. They are growing. It is awesome to see Matthew 28:19-20 being acted out. Stephen and Autumn are making disciples. Not just leaving these women to figure out this life on their own. We celebrated with them today. Many of our team members shared their story of how Christ has changed them and how He is working in their lives. And then many of them told stories of how God saved them and how they are learning to live like He desires. In November, these women would not share with Christa or I because of nerves. Today they professed Jesus boldly with nearly 50 people in their presence. Great things are happening!

We arrived back at the hotel around 3:15PM. As I am writing and working on some other things, our 4 VBS teams are continuing to prepare for what will take place Monday through Thursday. Seeing many of the faces they will see on Monday has given them a fire to be sure to be ready. They do not want to miss opportunities to share Christ the best they can.

In a little while we will get ready for dinner and then have our team share time. I’m sure that many stories will be told and that Jesus will be honored and glorified. I will be sure to update after hearing testimonies tonight.

Tomorrow we spend the day at the orphanage. It is the mission that Stephen and Autumn serve. It is the orphanage where Christa and I are praying about adopting through.

We love being in Haiti. We are excited for this opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We covet your prayers and ask that you continue to lift us up so that Jesus may be praised!

Pressing On,


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