Monday, August 16, 2010

It's quiet in the office today

Today is a much different day in the office. Since mid-May, I have had a companion with me. I had the priveledge to train a young man who has felt God's call to ministry. Yesterday ended Joran's last day as the summer intern of the Impact Student Ministry. It was great getting to know him better and listening to the areas where he is passionate as well as giving him a little bit of the knowledge that I have been taught and learned over the last several years of ministry and seminary.

So, it's quiet in the office today. There seems to be something missing on the big red couch. It's not like I "need" him to do my job, but it added to it. I loved teaching him the ropes. I learned a lot about what I do do on an everyday basis. Sometimes I get so caught up in the adminstrative portion of my job that I miss the everyday relational part of of the reasons I love doing minstry...the relational part.

I had a great summer. It was crazy busy, but great. I got to do a lot. And teach a lot.

Pray for Jearn (as the HS guys call him) as he heads back to Liberty University this week. It's his senior year and he has a lot of decisions ahead of him.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday, Monday!

Before I begin the post for Monday...Bryon Black has been posting pics on Facebook. It is on his page. You may look at what we have done so far.

So Monday started crazy early! Wake up call came at 6:30AM, after not getting in from the block party til midnight or so. The weather again was cold and rainy, typical Seattle weather, but abnormal for this time of the year.

We journeyed out to the Boys and Girls Club. Here is the twist. They wanted us to work at the club for the full 8 hours. They initially told us they wanted us to a soccer camp (which we were prepared for) but now they were allowing us to do the Backyard Bible Club. HOWEVER, we could still do the games, crafts, and not-so-Christian songs, and we could not open the Bible to tell our stories.

Well, now FLEXIBILITY is coming into play.

We prayed about how God was going to use this. We prayed for creativity. We prayed for openess.

The club typically has 120 kids daily that are split into 3 age groups. We were ready for 3 age groups, but 120 kids...WOW! Due to the holiday (July 5th) and the weather, we had 30 kids total. Which means, one group, all together. We sang some songs, played some games, including dodgeball, and then went to a local park for the remaining part of the day. Chilly, rainy, outside playing. It was awesome.

The park had a ginourmous playground and a beach on a lake. Kids began going swimming (remember it was maybe 60 degrees at this point). It was insane, but they had a blast. We weren't able to sit down and do crafts or tell a large group story, but what took place was simply God.

Our students just loved on kids. They shared Jesus in action and many of them told the kids about Gods love and how He sent Jesus to save us. It was very cool.

We loaded up. Headed back to the club and then back to the hotel.

Some of us then headed down to the Seattle Mariners game. A great time, but a loss for the M's.

Tuesday we are headed to a Battered Women's Thrift Store to serve!


Sunday was a cold day! Cold! Cold!

Well actually it was not cold, but chilly. We met at Roy's Place at 9AM to help set up "church." Since Connect is a church plant, they meet at Roy's (a recording studio/concert hall). We turned recording rooms into childrens and preschool rooms. We set up chairs, signs, banners, etc. to make the concert hall a worship center. It was very cool. Connect does this every Sunday morning. Having 26 of us to help took very little time. They were amazed at how quick things happened.

As worship began, our group probably outnumbered the normal crowd. Due to the holiday, there were a number of folks missing because of vaction, traveling, etc. It was a great time worshipping with fellow followers of Jesus.

Sunday afternoon and evening we spent at a 4th of July block party in Pastor Dale's neighborhood. We were in charge of games for all of the neighborhood kids. We had a great time with them. Game time ended with a major water balloon war in 50 degree temperatures. What were they thinking?!

The neighborhood had chipped in for fireworks. It was a a spectacular show. Incredibly enough it was better than some community fireworks displays. It was a long day, late night, and Monday morning was coming quickly!

Time to Catch Up - Saturday

So it's been a few days since the last blog. Many things are going on and we have had some late nights. And because of that...I've been too tired to write.

Saturday - Saturday was our "free day." We had the chance on a beautiful day to head to downtown Seattle to see the sights. We started at the Space Needle and took a ride on the monorail into the city. We hung out for a few hours at Pike's Place. Pike's Place is a 5 level market area right on the Puget Sound. We saw flying fish at the fish market. They only flew when the guys launched them over the counter to be packaged for customers. It was a blast. Lindsey almost took one to the face. There were a ton of street performers who were extremely talented at their art. Oh, and I can't forget...the very first Starbucks. What a hit.

We then set out to Carey Park. It had a great very of the city skyline. There were 2 bridal parties having their pics taken. Oh, did I mention the weather was phenominal.

Our dinner was right on the waterfront. RED ROBIN! We had a great time and was able to share Jesus with our waitress. Her name was Carly. Please pray for her to continue to seek the ONE who can save her. We invited her to Connect Church and introduced her to some of the staff. A long day was over and now it's time for the rest of the week!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Seniors in Seattle

I'm sure that my attempt to make every post have a movie reference will get old quick, but it happens. Yesterday was a really good day. We went to Roy's Place, the recording studio/music hall, that Connect Church rents out for their worship services. We cleaned the entire place. This helps with the relationship between Connect and Roy's. So many churches, particularly church plants, in the Seattle area run into the problem of being without a location to worship simply because the business they rent kick them out. Most of the time for no reason. Connect desires to keep a strong relationship with Roy's by doing everything they can to help out. Thus, we cleaned!

After cleaning Roy's we headed to the Lynnwood Senior Center. They have NEVER allowed a church group to come and serve as a group. There are about 75 volunteers that come through the doors, but a church has never been given permission to enter as a whole. Wow! Maybe just a little pressure. Our job at the senior center. CLEAN! The economy and budget cuts have forced the senior center to be creative when it comes to maintaining their facility. Maryann was our contact for the day. She assigned us jobs and I'm not quite sure what she expected to get out of us.

When we arrived, we were handed cleaning supplies and tasks to do. The encouragement for the day was to go above and beyond. To walk that second mile. To serve Jesus. Several of our team were assigned to go and clean the 3 mini-buses and a 15 passenger van. Detailing every nook and cranny was a must. The remaining students had the awesome job of scrubbing baseboards, washing windows, dusting blinds, and a on and on and on. We had about 4 hours to complete the job. I honestly do not think Maryann thought it was going to get done. How could a group of teenagers work together, not goof around, and think of others rather than themselves? It's not modeled well sometimes, inside or outside of the church. But I want you to know...Our students (and adults) kicked it up a notch. They cleaned and scrubbed and had joy doing it. It was neat to see the seniors faces. They were confused at why a group of students from Ohio would want to come to the Lynnwood Senior Center and serve. The only thing we could say...JESUS!

Some of our students and adults were called crazy. Some thought we were stupid. But the bottom line was...we were here to show Jesus to them.

At the end of our 4 hours, we completed every task on every list Maryann gave to us. She could not believe it. She was so impressed by the hard work that we offered to them. Your students served the senior center well. Your students served Jesus!

The cleaning got us in the door. I encouraged our students not to be so focused on cleaning that they missed opportunities to tell about Jesus. They didn't. Many were thankful. Some confused. The Gospel was presented in word and deed. Our prayer is that Connect Church will continue to have opportunities to serve there so that people will come to Christ.

Thank you again for your prayers. Today is our "touristy" day. We are going into downtown Seattle to hang out and enjoy our time together. One of the things that I encouraged our students to do today was this...Don't miss opportunities to share just because it's our day "off." Our mission to tell about the love of Christ never should get put on hold. Pray that we have a great time together. Pray for beautiful weather. Pray for opportunities for us to share Jesus.

Pressing On,

Friday, July 2, 2010

Smile Seats??

I know that the title of this post might be a little odd and confusing, but for van number 1 was rather funny.

Let me back track a bit. I know that many of you reading this we are several hours behind you and that you'll probably read this tomorrow, unless you are uber excited and can't sleep until you read the latest installment from Mission: Seattle.

Today was a good day. I let the students sleep in a bit. Christa and I ventured out with Greg (one of the church planters for Connect Church) to grab some quick breakfast items. We returned and called on the students and adults to come to our room for a "grab and go" breakfast. We all got ready and met the Connect staff for an orientation and lunch.

So, Smile Seats you ask? As we begin to load into the van (all guys except for Christa and Ashley Black) my lovely wife wanted to get a quick photo shot from inside the van. Rather than saying the typical "smile" or "say cheese," Christa shouts to the van, "Smile Seats!" I believe it was a combo of "in your seats and smile," however sleep deprivation took over and "smile seats" arrived. Our guys got a great kick out of it and it quickly became an instant catch phrase.

We met up with the Connect staff (Dale Braswell - lead pastor, Greg Fuller - mission pastor, Alena - summer intern, and Jonathan - missionary volunteer). It was great to hear their heart for Seattle and the pupose of Connect Church. We got a great feel for what they are trying to accomplish in the Name of Jesus.

This afternoon provided some downtime. Some, however, embarked on a journey with Andy and Cheryl to buy groceries for the week. Stop 1 - Sam's Club. Stop 2 - unload at hotel. Stop 3 - Albertson's Grocery. Stop 4 - unload at hotel. We then seperated the food and distributed amongst the rooms.

We all had dinner. Then a team meeting. Then another quick run out to Target. It was a good day to get acclamated to the time change and hangout. Tomorrow is going to be a good day. We have the opportunity to clean! We are cleaning the location that Connect Church meets. Part of the agreement of the rental facility is to give a good cleaning every now and again. Then it's off to a local nursing facility. We are going to serve them by cleaning their place too. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. Continue to pray!

Talk to you later.

Pressing On,

On another note, our intern Joran is uploading a video blog on YouTube. You can follow it at

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hello Seattle

So we are here! After a long flight from the ATL. We got to sleep a few hours and now we are off to get oriented and to see what our week looks like. The word for the week is FLEXIBILITY!

I"ll give a full update tonight!


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We're leaving on a jet plane...

So we're off! Well kinda. We are at the gate anyway. So today has been a quick day. Many last minute things to accomplish before heading to the airport.

So all 26 of us (minus John-William, he is flying from Minneapolis) have made it through the check in process, passed succesfully through security, and are anxiously awaiting our time of boarding...approximately 6:15PM, with the flight taking off at 6:45PM.

We will then have a connecting flight from ATL to Seattle. Our flight is supposed to arrive in SEA at 12:40 AM - Pacific time. Meaning that our bodies will tell us that it's 3:40AM! WOW!

If you intend to follow this blog over the next week as we minister in Seattle, we will be keeping you updated daily...I hope.

Please pray for us. Pray for the people the Lord has for us to minister too. Pray for the health and safety of our students and adults. Pray for unity. Pray for Connect Church (the plant we are working with). We are thankful for people who love us and who are encouraging us everyday. I'll update you all later!

Pressing On,

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

First One

So here goes. The first of what we hope to be many blogs to keep the students and parents of First Baptist Church of Vandalia a little more up to speed.

We will be using this for announcements as well as writing about some of the trips we will be taking this summer.

If you ever need to contact us regarding the IMPACT Student Ministry of FBCV, just shoot me an email at and I'll answer what needs you may have.

Pressing On,